jueves, 30 de mayo de 2019

Estadísticas Sociológicas

En la materia de Sociología combinada con TICs (Jimena Lara y Alejandra Redín) se realizó un informe sociológico acerca de la pobreza en Argentina. Este informe se realizó a partir de datos del INDEC y de el Observatorio de la Deuda Social Argentina recopilados en un cuadro de Excel junto con sus adecuadas funciones, y dos gráficos. Además aparecen también investigaciones propias de noticias sobre el índice de pobreza y sus significados. 

domingo, 26 de mayo de 2019

Comfortable lie vs unpleasant truth

   Most people would say that honesty is a very important value, since it has always been taught by schools, family and society. Telling the thuth is the most morally accepted thing to do, although it may sometimes bring you problems. However, is it good to always be honest?
Resultado de imagen para Comfortable lie vs unpleasant truth
   Honesty and confidence are essential between family and friends since everybody needs someone to rely on; therefore trust means everything among your most relative ones and this can only be built by being honest with one another about important issues. However when it comes to unemportant things, such as if your friend/girlfriend/boyfriend asks you if he/she looks nice in his/her outfit, telling the truth might be harmful. For that reason sometimes telling a white lie would not be perjudicial to anyone.
   A similar thing occurs in ragards to honesty with those in authority. At some time or another, most people had lied to their authorities about minor matters. For exampe, when you justify yourself for being late with the excuse of a traffic jam, while the real reason was that you fell asleep. However, you must be careful and try your boss not to realise you have lied to him/her. But regarding far-reaching things you should tell the truth, as if your boss finds out that you lied to him/her about something important he/she could even fire you.
   In conclusion, honesty is an important value which helps to create stronger bonds between people, frinends and family. However, sometimes telling a white lie about unsignificant things to not hurt someone's feelings might not be perjudicial.