martes, 19 de mayo de 2015

My review of "Forrest Gump"

         My favourite movie is "Forrest Gump" that's why I want to make a review of it :

   It's about a boy called Forrest Gump that had a mental problem, but despite this he could9 he could succeed in the world better than any other. But before that he had to pass many proofs and sacrify many things.
   I think that in general it's a dramatic genre but it has also all the genres. That's why I think   that everybody should watch it because it doesn't matter what genre you like because this movie have them all.

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015

23 mentes pensando

Esta presentacion colaborativa , nos informa lo que estuvimos aprendiendo en Cs.Naturales sobre equilibrio ecològico y el impacto ambiental que produce el hombre.


martes, 12 de mayo de 2015

Review of "The Black Cat"


Resultado de imagen para the black cat story    "The Black Cat" is a story written by Edgar Allan Poe. He was a writer, poet, critic, and a romantic journalist. He was American, generally recognized as one of the universal masters   of the short story writing.
     I think it is very violent, becuase it is about a man, a mean drunk, that started drinking. I enjoyed it very much because it wasn't predictable because you didn't know what was going to happen. This man took very bad decisions. I think that all the people that like mystery and suspense stories should read it !!!

Un jefe que cuida el medio ambiente


     Yo creo que la relción entre el contenido de la carta y lo charlado en clase es que el hombre y toda la vida necesita del medio ambiente. Y el medio ambiente necesita de la biodiversidad, esto es el  "Equilibrio Ecológico".
     En mi opinión lo que trata de expresar el Gran Jefe Seattle es que la madre tierra nos da todo lo que necesitamos para sobrevivir sin pedir nada a cambio, pero nosotros en vez de agradecerle y valorarla, arrojamos basura al suelo, contaminamos el aire y los océanos, deforestamos  los bosque, y muchas cosas más. Entonces, pienso que por temor a que alteraramos su tierra el Jefe Seattle no estaba tan seguro de entregarselas. Además, porque sabía que esas tierras que eran tan sagradas para ellos, para nosotros era solo un pedazo más de tierra.

 •Aca les dejo el link de la carta del Gran Jefe Seattle:


lunes, 11 de mayo de 2015

The story of my life (Anne Frank)

                                                   "Let's start with the story of my life"

     Today it started like every other day, I woke up at 4:30 am  and had breakfast. I ate a slice of bread
and I drank a glass of water. Then I started walking the 5 km to get to the factory. I didin't realise how nice the day was because I was trying to hury up so that the overlooker (superior) didn't hit me.
     Fortunately, I got there in time but one of my friends get one minute late and was hit by the overlooker with a cane. I felt very sorry for him but I couldn't do anything because if I opened my mouth it would be worse for both of us.
     After that we had to start working. We work until 6:30 pm but when we were about one hour to finish, a boy called John Taylor lost two fingers, a machine cut them by accident. I felt very sad about that friendly and  happy boy who now doesn't have anything "happy". I saw all the blood on the floor and I could not hold on, so I vomited. The overlooker was very angry so he made us clean everything. After cleaning we could finally go home.
     Everyone was happy to go but I wasn't. Because everytime I get home, my parents are fighting and discussing, and that makes my father angry so he retaliates on me. That's why I am thinking of scaping from here so I don't have to see my parents or that mad overlooker  anymore.
     At the moment I am  walking throught the streets escaping from home. I feel scared because now everything is strange and new, but I think I will get used.

              Now I'm trying to get asleep because I will have a long day tomorrow...

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2015


Journal: the wife (The Black Cat)

Resultado de imagen para the black cat story          It started like every normal day, my husband went out to work and I stayed at home cleaning. When my husband came home and the cat entered, who was very clever, tryied to escape but my husband felt angry so he took the cat, get a knife and tore out one of Pluto's eye. I couldn't  see that so I closed my eyes and tryied to think of that friendly and happy gentleman but when I opened my eyes the only thing I could see was my evil and cruel husband...