sábado, 27 de mayo de 2017

Analisis cerebral

En la clase de biología trabajamos en el laboratorio para reconocer las partes de un encéfalo de vaca. El encéfalo es el Sistema Nervioso Central (S.N.C.), que esta protegido por el cráneo (hueso). 
- Pudimos observar que su superficie era suave y blanda.
- La sangre no se salia del encéfalo gracias a las membranas meninges que lo cubren.
- Contenía una superficie irregular, presenta depresiones y elevaciones (surcos) llamados circunvoluciones cerebrales.
- Su color es rosado ya que lleva vasos sanguíneos por dentro.

Cara Dorsal

Cara ventral

Anatomía Interna

Primero separamos los hemisferios cerebrales y cortamos el cuerpo calloso para ver la cavidad de cada hemisferio, luego hicimos un corte antro-posterior horizontal con un bisturí y observamos la diferencia entre la sustancia gris y blanca.

Médula espinal

domingo, 21 de mayo de 2017

Going on an Exchange Program

In pairs we had to make dialogue about an Exchange Program for the ELT speking class. I've done it with Luna Rosenman.

1 Minute Talk

In the ELT speaking class we had to write a text about our likes and dislikes connected to school and then record it.

viernes, 19 de mayo de 2017


In the Language class we had to write a letter, to our English friend David, answering him:


For the Language class we had to prepare an individual essay, from the FCE Writing Practice book, about young people vs older people. We had to follow this assignment: You have recently had a discussion in your English class about different age groups. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay, giving your opinion in the following statement. "The young can learn a lot about life from older people."

  Nowadays, young people, like teenagers, think they know it all; however, they are wrong. They still can learn a lot more from older people.
  When we talk about "life" it is obvious that an old person knows more than a teenager, as he/she has many more years of living. The elderly have lived more experiences and gone through more things, that is why, they can give us advice on how to solve problems or to deal with some situations. However, it is true that the generations change and also some ways of living. For example, a young person knows more about new technology than an old one, but older people still have more knowledge.
  In my opinion, older people cannot do as many things as when they were younger, but they have already lived more experiences and can still share their pieces of advice. Maybe they are still learning new things as the younger people.

jueves, 11 de mayo de 2017

Infografía dela Tabla Periódica

En esta infografía se muestran los diferentes grupos y familias de la tabla periódica y sus características.

viernes, 5 de mayo de 2017

The Weimar Republic

In the History class we had to organise a timeline of the events in connection to the Weimar Republic from 1919 to 1929.