domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015

Collage y pasteles oleosos

Para hacer este trabajo primero tuvimos que buscar la letra de una canción que nos gustara y después hacer un dibujo sobre la canción con pasteles oleosos.

Collage con papeles de colores...

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015

Colores Complementarios

Hicimos tres trabajos a partir de los colores complementarios. Los colores complementarios son colores secundarios, y su complementario va a ser el color primario que falte para formar ese color.

Algunos artistas, usan los colores complementarios juntos en una pintura para que los colores resalten. Eso es lo que hicimos nosotros...

miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015

"The Hero"

  We read the story "The Hero" and then we had to write a text explaining the most important part of the story.

The British officer said:
"He invented the story. He invented at least three-quarters of his life "

I think that this is the most important part pf the story because he discovered that all the story of Captain Campbell was false.

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015

¿Que es la Megarexia?

    La megarexia es un trastorno alimenticio que hace que los obesos se sientan saludables. Las personas que sufren de este padecimiento no son conscientes de ello.

•Noxa: psicológica y biológica
•Conducta de riesgo: tiene malos hábitos de consumo y carecen de vitaminas y minerales en sus dietas
•Grupo de riesgo: puede afectar a quienes tratan de copiar sus malos hábitos
•Síntomas: creer verse saludable y comer mal
•Signos: obesidad (observable)
•Tipo de enfermedad: aguda, genética y pandemia
•Secuelas: transitoria

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2015

Ben Stiller

Benjamin Edward Stiller is a very famous actor that made lots of great movies. He is a comic actor, productor and cinema director. He made more than 60 movies and most of them were great, that's why I choose him. He was born the 30th of November in 1965, New York. His mother is called Anne Meara and his father Jerry Stiller, he also has a sister called Amy Stiller. When he was a child his parents used to take him where they played sets and maybe that's why he was interested in early cinema. When he was 18 years old he entered the University of California to study film, but 9 months later left and returned to his hometown to break into the film world. In 1993 he won an Emmy, but this is not the only prize he won. He won lots of other prizes and also was nominated many times, but I will not mention them because it would be long and boring. He married the actrise Christine Taylor and they had 2 children, Ella Olivia and Quilin Dempsey. All his family were actors, his parents, sister and wife, and maybe his children will also became famous actors...

Qui dois-je déposer?

    À partir des contenus del annè, nous preparouns un brouillon pour, après, construire une BD avec STORYBOARD THAT.
Dans la BD, un personnage adulte se présente, il présente un copain on un copine at sa famille. Nous apliquons le vocabulaire de la famille, les proffesions, les salutations, l' âge.