miércoles, 10 de julio de 2019


    Adults always try to educate young people as good as possible using different methods based on what they believe is better. However, are these ways always efficient?

Resultado de imagen para setting rules    Rules are something that influence our behaviour since they set the boundaries of what we can/cannot do. People generally accept the restrictions imposed to them and get used to living with them. However, sometimes young people tend to challenge them as they neither believe them fair nor accept them. Childhood and adolescence are stages of experimenting and trying new things as you discover who you are. Therefore, challenging the rules is a common thing to do among young people, although in most cases rules tend to set the boundaries of their behaviour.
Resultado de imagen para role model    Another way of influencing young people is setting an example. When you admire someone, you try to behave like them as you take them as a role model. Therefore, if a young person has his/her parents as idols she/he will try to follow their steps.
    In conclusion, adults always try to teach young people the best they can using different methods. However, the most efficient one is setting an example, since it is something that the person sets as a goal for and by themselves rather than just imposing them a way behaving by setting rules.

lunes, 24 de junio de 2019

Les grands événements en France au XVIIIe siècle

Le 14 juillet, fête nationale française, contexte historique.

Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé?

La Révolution Française a été un conflit social et politique, avec des périodes de violence, qui a révolutionné la France, avec des événements tels que la prise de la bastille, le coup d'État de Napoléon et l'exécution de Louis XVI. C'étaient certaines de vos dates importantes.

Les grands événements 
Resultado de imagen para États GénérauxLe 5 mai 1789, les États Généraux se réunissent (assemblée composée des trois États: le clergé, la noblesse et le tiers État) convoquée par le roi Louis XVI.

Resultado de imagen para Assemblée Nationale ConstituanteLe 4 août 1789, après avoir été retiré des États généraux, le Tiers-État forme l’Assemblée nationale (elle s’appelait l’Assemblée nationale puisqu’ils représentaient au moins 96% de la nation). Ils prêtent ensuite serment au tribunal de tennis en disant qu’ils ne partiront pas tant qu’une nouvelle loi n’aura pas été rédigée.

Le 14 juillet 1789, les parisiens attaquent la Bastille (une forteresse médiévale de la ville qui servit alors de prison et d’arsenal). C'était une prison de peu d'importance réelle, mais son symbolisme était énorme, car c'est le fait historique qui est considéré comme le début de la Révolution Française. En outre, le fait a été interprété dans tout le pays comme la chute d’un symbole de l’absolutisme et le début d’une nouvelle
Resultado de imagen para la prise de la bastilleImagen relacionada

Resultado de imagen para Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyenLe 26 août, l'Assemblée adopte la Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen, dont Mirabeau et Sieyès sont les principaux rédacteurs. Elle établit les droits fondamentaux de l'être humain : le droit à la liberté, à la sécurité, à l'égalité de tous devant la loi et, enfin le principe de la souveraineté populaire, par lequel la Nation,

Resultado de imagen para "La Grande PeurEn août 1789, se produit une rébellion rurale qui s'étend dans toute la France sous le nom de "La Grande Peur". Les paysans attaquent les châteaux des nobles et détruisent des documents qui "justifient" leur servitude.

· Le 6 octobre 1789, une foule se dirige vers Versailles et force le roi à accepter les décrets.

· 2 janvier 1792, décret du 1er janvier 1789 établissant le début de «l'âge de l'histoire».

· Le 20 septembre 1792, la France défait les Prussiens à Valmy.
Resultado de imagen para France défait les Prussiens à Valmy

· Le 21 janvier 1793, Louis XVI est guillotiné.
Resultado de imagen para Louis XVI

· Novembre 1799, coup d'Etat de Napoléon Bonaparte.
Resultado de imagen para coup d'Etat de Napoléon Bonaparte.22

Beltrán Bravo, Sofía Martín, Nacho Galup y Agustín Mora

jueves, 30 de mayo de 2019

Estadísticas Sociológicas

En la materia de Sociología combinada con TICs (Jimena Lara y Alejandra Redín) se realizó un informe sociológico acerca de la pobreza en Argentina. Este informe se realizó a partir de datos del INDEC y de el Observatorio de la Deuda Social Argentina recopilados en un cuadro de Excel junto con sus adecuadas funciones, y dos gráficos. Además aparecen también investigaciones propias de noticias sobre el índice de pobreza y sus significados. 

domingo, 26 de mayo de 2019

Comfortable lie vs unpleasant truth

   Most people would say that honesty is a very important value, since it has always been taught by schools, family and society. Telling the thuth is the most morally accepted thing to do, although it may sometimes bring you problems. However, is it good to always be honest?
Resultado de imagen para Comfortable lie vs unpleasant truth
   Honesty and confidence are essential between family and friends since everybody needs someone to rely on; therefore trust means everything among your most relative ones and this can only be built by being honest with one another about important issues. However when it comes to unemportant things, such as if your friend/girlfriend/boyfriend asks you if he/she looks nice in his/her outfit, telling the truth might be harmful. For that reason sometimes telling a white lie would not be perjudicial to anyone.
   A similar thing occurs in ragards to honesty with those in authority. At some time or another, most people had lied to their authorities about minor matters. For exampe, when you justify yourself for being late with the excuse of a traffic jam, while the real reason was that you fell asleep. However, you must be careful and try your boss not to realise you have lied to him/her. But regarding far-reaching things you should tell the truth, as if your boss finds out that you lied to him/her about something important he/she could even fire you.
   In conclusion, honesty is an important value which helps to create stronger bonds between people, frinends and family. However, sometimes telling a white lie about unsignificant things to not hurt someone's feelings might not be perjudicial.

martes, 9 de abril de 2019

They might be lying

   We can see history almost everywhere, such as in street
names, old buildings, etc. It is very important to learn about history, first of all, because it is necessary to not commit the same mistakes as in the past, secondly, because it is necessary to know about general culture. However, it is sometimes difficult to know wether the information is true or false. 
   Everybody knows that the internet is full of false information, therefore you must check in different web sites to assure yourself the information is the same in most of them so that you know which one is right; but how can I be a 100% sure it is right? Many peoples answers would be to look at official records. However, what does really assure me that the evidence of the success was not manipulated?
   Politicians sometimes interpret history to their own advantage. They manipulate the information and let us know just what they want. Moreover, “history” varies many times depending on the point of view of the country that narrates it, since they would set themselves as the heroes/victims and would omit the bad aspects of their country. 

   To conclude, it is really difficult to know what the real history of something was, mostly because we tend to fully trust the evidence without thinking that even official records may lie. Therefore, I believe that when we study history, we should look at it from all the possible angles and reach our own conclusion, instead of just reading a book written and approved by the USA.