sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2018

Characterization "A View from the Bridge"

   The play "A View from the Bridge", written by Arthur Miller; is about an american family that shelter two illegal immigrants from Sicily. Althought at the beginning it was a priviledge for Eddie to take in his wife cousins, when his niece Catherine fell in love with one of them, Eddie`s actions and feelings threaten the happiness of the whole family.
   The following image is an infograph describing Alfieri and Beatrice, two important characters in the play.

lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2018


  • water supplies assured
  • prevent floods
  • people are forced to move
  • ecosystems destroyed
  • expensive
  • water related diseases

A dam in Argentina

Resultado de imagen para Yacyretá Dam
Yacyretá Dam
   The Yacyretá Dam is a dam and hydroelectric power plant built over the waterfalls of Jasyretâ-Apipé in the Paraná River, between the Argentine Province of Corrientes and the Paraguayan City of Ayolas.

   The construction of the dam affected the environment of the region in three ways. Firstly, it altered aquatic habitats because of the elevation of the water level and the flooding of dry areas, which produced chemical changes in the water, including a drop in water oxygen levels. Besides, the alteration of the streams of water affected the floating vegetation that in the system Iberá is the habitat of many species. The more calm water behind the dam has also allowed the spread of waterborne diseases, such as schistosomiasis, dengue fever and malaria. Destruction of the habitat submerged by the dam caused great loss of biodiversity. Numerous protected species have been affected in one of the few spaces in which they survive in Argentina and Paraguay, including pampas deer, capybara, certain water birds and yacare caiman. The consequences for the fish population of Paraná have been very severe, causing a large drop in the volume of some species, especially when the dam was first constructed. Moreover, the lake created by the dam displaced 40,000 people.

viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2018

Water-rich and water-poor countries

  The video shows the different lifestyles of a boy who lives in a water rich country and a girl who lives in a poor water country. The boy lives under very good conditions and has easy access to drinking water (he just need to open the tap to get pure and fresh water), while the little girl has to travel miles and miles to get water that can sometimes be polluted. In my opinion, the video trys to represent that water rich countries can help the poor ones, since access to drinking water is a right that everyone should have.


Water uses

Uses of fresh water                             Examples
-          In the home (shower, wash the dishes/clothe)
-          For waste disposal
-          In factories
-          For power (hydroelectric)
-          For irrigation

Tropical Cyclones

Resultado de imagen para tropical cyclones
Satelite image of a hurricane.
   Tropical cyclones are like giant engines that use warm, moist air as a fuel. That is why they form only over warm ocean waters near the equator. The warm, moist air over the ocean rises upward from near the surface. Since this air moves up and away from the surface, there is less air left near the surface. Another way to say the same thing is that the warm air rises, causing an area of low air pressure below.
   According to where they occur they have different names. The name "hurricane" is given to systems that develop over the Atlantic and the eastern Pacific Ocean. In the western North Pacific and Philippines this systems are called "typhoons", while in the Indian and South Pacific Ocean they are called "cyclones". There is a list in which each hurricane is named with a woman or a mens name. What is a curious coincidence is that most of the small hurricanes were named with mens names, while the most catastrophic ones have a woman name.
   Hurricanes form within the tropics, usually between the end of summer and beginning of autumn. However, there are other neccessary conditions for hurricanes to develop. For example, the humidity must be high, with high rainfall and winds. Also water temperature must be high, at least 27°C.
    The Saffer-Simpson Scale is a 1 to 5 rating, based on a hurricane's sustained wind speed. This scale estimates potential property damage. Hurricanes reaching category 3 and higher are considered mayor hurricanes because of their potential for significat loss of life and damage. While category 1 and 2 are still dangerous but the damage can be reduced with preventative measures.
    The effects can be a storm surge, which means a rise in the ocean water level as a result of extreme winds blowing over the sea's surface. Other consecuences can be floods, heavy winds, death, injured people, diseases, an impact on the economy, etc. However, there are ways to lessen these effects. Nowadays, thanks to satelite images hurricanes can be predicted and people can get ready to reduce the damage. For example, they can store water and food supplies. The government can take some preventive action, such as evacuation plans. Also, people can buy battery-operated radios to get inform after the sorm have started in case there is no electricity.

miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2018

Los efectos de viajar largas distancias

Deshidratación: Es la pérdida de agua de una persona que, en el caso de que se produzca en un pasajero de avión, se causa por el aire de un avión es seco.

Resultado de imagen para deshidratacion
  • Síntomas: picazón en la garganta, sequedad de piel, hemorragias nasales e irritación de ojos. 
  • Formas de contrarrestarlo: tomar agua y evitar la cafeína, y usar crema hidratante gotas para los ojos

Resultado de imagen para cambio de presion en un avion

Cambios en la presión: 

  • Síntomas durante el despegue y el aterrizaje: pueden generar molestias en los oídos y en partes del cerebro. 
  • Formas de contrarrestarlo: comer un chicle o un caramelo

Resultado de imagen para inmovilidad de pasajero en un avion

Efectos de la inmovilidad:

  • Síntomas: reducción del flujo de sangre en las piernas, lo cual lleva a la formación de coágulos.
  • Formas de contrarrestarlo: usar ropa suelta y medias de compresión junto con caminar por los pasillos

Resultado de imagen para alteracion de sueno en un avionJet lag: Es una alteración del sueño causado por la incapacidad de un pasajero de avión para adaptarse de inmediato a una zona horaria diferente.

  • Síntomas: problemas estomacales, dolores de cabeza, desorientación, falta de memoria, ansiedad, apatía, irritabilidad, depresión, deterioro en la eficiencia muscular y tener sueño a la mañana pero insomnio a la noche. 
  • Formas de contrarrestarlo: semanas antes del viaje cambiar poco a poco el tiempo de dormir y de despertarse, y comer sano, durante el vuelo tomar agua y evitar el alcohol o cafeína, y después del vuelo exponerte a luz solar o artificial, hacer ejercicio y si es necesario ingerir melatonina o píldoras para dormir. 
Hecho por Sofía martin, Mayra Schliemann y Luna Rosenman

viernes, 27 de abril de 2018

TP Les Misérables

Écrit par:
Lourdes del Gener, Agustina Tettamanti et Sofía Martin en clase de français.
Resultado de imagen para les misérables
Les Misérables
Victor Hugo
Le auteur c’est Victor Hugo
Naissance: le 26 février 1802 á Besançon en France
Mort: le 22 mai 1885 (à 83 ans) á Paris en France
Autre oeuvres:
  • Notre-dame de Paris
  • Les Travailleurs de la Mer
  • Ruy Blas
  • Hernani

Jean Valjean échappe de la prison. Myriel l’accueille et Jean vole une coupe d’argent. Il est découvert par la police mais Myriel le défend et Jean promet d’être bon. Il changé son nom, il invente un processus de fabrication et il devient maire.
Fantine a une fille; Cosette. Son père l'abandonne. Fantine laisse à cosette avec la famille Thénardier, elle finissez par vous prostituer pour eux payer. Elle meurt et Jean promet prendre soin sa fille. Il va en prison, échappe et revient par Cosette.
Cosette et Marius tombent amoureux. Jean essaie de les séparer. Les Thénardiers vont le voler à Jean, mais Marius le raconte au police. Jean échappe parce qu'il est le même inspecteur qui l'avait arrêté. Les Thénardiers sont arrêtés.
Eponine, la fille du Thénardiers, aide Marius trouver Cosette et ils déclarent ses amour. Jean déménage en Angleterre avec Cosette pour la séparer de Marius. Marius rejoint une révolte politique.
Ils découvrent que Javert est un espion et l'amarrent. Eponine meurt en sauvant la vie de Marius (parce qu'elle l'aime), et lui remet une lettre de Cosette. Marius lui envoie une lettre  à Cosette.
Jean intercepte la lettre, sauve la vie à Marius et libère à Javert. Javert l'arrête à Jean, et il lui demande de porter à Marius avec son grand-père. Javert aller le laisse et se suicide.
Marius récupère et se marie avec Cosette. Jean avoue à Marius son criminel passé et Marius essaie de ne pas s'approcher de Cosette. Jean sauve Marius et Marius va avec Cosette pour dis au revoir sur son lit de mort. Valjean meurt en paix.

Personnages principaux
Resultado de imagen para les misérables- Jean Valjean
- Cosette
- Javert
- Fantine
- Marius Pontmercy
- Eponine
- M. Myriel
- M. Thénardier
- Mme. Thénardier

domingo, 25 de marzo de 2018

De un virus a viral

¿Son los virus seres vivos?
Muchos plantean que los virus no son seres vivos porque no tienen metabolismo no se relacionan (para hacerse copias de ellos mismos necesitan la intervención de una célula). Sin embargo, varios científicos creen que son seres vivos ya que plantean que representan una forma de vida diferente a la de otros organismos (aunque comparte algunas pocas características). En mi opinión los virus no son seres vivos porque no comparten todas la caract. principales de todos los seres vivos. 

En este vídeo podemos observar como el virus se acopla e infecta una célula para así poder reproducirse y continuar con la infección de nuevas células.