miércoles, 10 de julio de 2019


    Adults always try to educate young people as good as possible using different methods based on what they believe is better. However, are these ways always efficient?

Resultado de imagen para setting rules    Rules are something that influence our behaviour since they set the boundaries of what we can/cannot do. People generally accept the restrictions imposed to them and get used to living with them. However, sometimes young people tend to challenge them as they neither believe them fair nor accept them. Childhood and adolescence are stages of experimenting and trying new things as you discover who you are. Therefore, challenging the rules is a common thing to do among young people, although in most cases rules tend to set the boundaries of their behaviour.
Resultado de imagen para role model    Another way of influencing young people is setting an example. When you admire someone, you try to behave like them as you take them as a role model. Therefore, if a young person has his/her parents as idols she/he will try to follow their steps.
    In conclusion, adults always try to teach young people the best they can using different methods. However, the most efficient one is setting an example, since it is something that the person sets as a goal for and by themselves rather than just imposing them a way behaving by setting rules.

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